Le samedi 3 novembre 2018
à partir de 20h

Palmer + Aleska live at La Chaouée (F)

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Palmer -

a Swiss post-metal band persistently forging their sound towards perfection for the last 16 years. This Swiss quartett is no typical four-four time metalcombo straight off the rack. Palmer’s sound oszillates somewhere between post-metal and prog-rock with spherical timbres. This band works intuitively and without restraints and their creations reflect an energy of immediate presence.
The new album ‘Surrounding The Void’ contains 9 songs that boast originality. Inspired by different niches from the world of extreme metal, prog-rock, jazz and ambient sounds, Palmer have always followed their own distinct path, continually looking towards the future and pursueing their own individual Soundsscape.
‘Surrounding The Void’ reflects Palmer’s typical aspects such as tension, relief and extreme dynamics. These core aspects are immenent on the new album and seem even more mature and distinct.
‘Surrounding The Void’ is due for world wide release at the beginning of 2017 through Czar of Bullets. After an intensiv creative phase behind the scene, Palmer will play concerts as of the beginning of 2017.

ALESKA (post hardcore/Metz)

Screamo/Post-hardcore originaire de Lorraine. Composé de 4 membres issus de formations telles que Shall Not Kill, Dead For A Minute, Esteban.
"Joignant l’émotion, le rythme et la rage du Screamo avec la lourdeur du Post-Hardcore et la mélancolie du Post-Rock, le groupe montre encore une fois que la famille Screamo n’a jamais été aussi bien pensée autant au Japon qu’en France."

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Bar / Concerts et Instruments de Musique
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Jeux à disposition

Lieu : Chaouée

Adresse : Rue du champé

Ville : Metz

Département : Moselle

Région : Grand Est

Pays : France

Annoncé anonymement le mercredi 22 juillet 2020
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